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In the dynamic world of programmatic advertising, publishers are always seeking effective strategies to optimize their ad revenue. One such method is using passback, a technique that ensures ad slots are filled even when primary ad networks, such as Google Ad Exchange (AdX) and Prebid, fail to provide suitable ads or bids. This article will guide you through setting up passback to Google Ad Manager when Google AdX and Prebid do not deliver any bids. Moreover, we will introduce the powerful WaardeX Supply-Side Platform (SSP), which can help you unlock your full ad revenue potential.

Step 1: Set Up a Passback Ad Unit in Google Ad Manager

First, log in to your Google Ad Manager account and create a new passback ad unit. This unit will act as a backup when no suitable ads are returned by your primary ad networks.

  1. Navigate to ‘Inventory’ > ‘Ad units’.
  2. Click ‘New ad unit’.
  3. Name your passback ad unit, select the relevant ad size(s), and adjust additional settings as needed.
  4. Save the new ad unit.

Step 2: Generate a Google Ad Manager Passback Ad Tag

Next, you’ll need to generate a passback ad tag for the ad unit you just created.

  1. Go to ‘Inventory’ > ‘Ad units’ in Google Ad Manager.
  2. Locate the passback ad unit you created and click its name.
  3. Click on ‘Tags’.
  4. Choose the appropriate tag type (typically ‘Asynchronous’ or ‘Synchronous’) and modify other settings as necessary.
  5. Click ‘Continue,’ then ‘Generate tags.’
  6. Copy the generated ad tag.

Step 3: Implement Passback Logic in Your Prebid Configuration

Armed with your passback ad tag, you’ll now need to modify your Prebid configuration. Incorporate a function that checks for bids from Google Ad Exchange (AdX) and Prebid. If none are found, this function should initiate the passback to Google Ad Manager.

Here’s an example of a Prebid configuration with passback logic:

pbjs.que.push(function() {
    // ... other Prebid configurations ...

  var adUnits = [
    // ... your ad unit configurations ...


    bidsBackHandler: function(bids) {
      if (bids && Object.keys(bids).length > 0) {
        // Bids are available from Prebid, proceed with the auction
        googletag.cmd.push(function() {
      } else {
        // No bids from Prebid, trigger the passback to Google Ad Manager
        document.getElementById('your-ad-slot-id').innerHTML = '<!-- Insert your Google Ad Manager passback ad tag here -->';
    timeout: 2000 // Set an auction timeout, e.g., 2 seconds (2000 ms)

Replace your-ad-slot-id with the actual ID of the ad slot on your webpage and place the Google Ad Manager passback ad tag you generated earlier inside.


Integrating passback to Google Ad Manager within your Prebid setup can effectively maximize your ad revenue by ensuring that ad slots are filled even when primary ad networks don’t return any bids. This not only enhances the user experience on your site but also ensures that you’re making the most of your advertising inventory.

To further elevate your website’s monetization strategy, consider partnering with a cutting-edge Supply-Side Platform (SSP) like WaardeX. By combining the power of WaardeX SSP with your passback implementation, you’ll not only fill every ad slot but also ensure that you’re getting the highest possible return on your advertising inventory. WaardeX offers advanced optimization, high-quality demand, real-time reporting, seamless integration, and dedicated support, making it the ideal choice for publishers looking to unlock the full potential of their advertising strategy. With just a few simple steps, you can optimize your ad revenue and stay ahead in the competitive world of programmatic advertising. 

Join the growing community of publishers who have already unlocked their full advertising potential with WaardeX. Register HERE now and begin your journey to maximizing your ad revenue with a powerful and reliable partner by your side.

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